About Anne

After 40+ years working as a registered nurse, I have gained insight to the limitations of western medicine and it’s difficulties in dealing with chronic disease/illness. This is partly because it lacks a clear idea of treatment methods to enhance the body’s natural healing ability and how to balance out peoples mental and physical aspects. The treatment tends to focus on suppressing the patients symptoms with pharmaceuticals and/or surgery.

Whereas meridian therapy uses a holistic approach, attempting to treat the imbalances in the body, seeking the root of the disease and resetting the natural healing ability of the body. It can also be used complementary to western medicine, as it helps address some of its weaknesses.

I became interested in meridian therapy because of my own health issues and the failure of western medicine to help me, other than with pharmaceuticals and surgery- neither of which I wanted. I started studying shiatsu and completed my diploma in 2007 at the Australian Shiatsu College. I then went on to further my studies of meridian therapy with Toyohari and Manaka. All therapies have originated from Japan and are based on the same principles, but use different techniques to balance the body.


Registered nurse

Diploma of Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies

Post graduate certificate Dr Manaka protocols and Japanese needle therapy

Certificate in Toyohari East Asian Needle Therapy
